This package was created to test several assumptions and suggestions to add some mockup patterns to the ‘anonymous’ js/css delivery of pages in Plone 5.2 . Easyform is the defacto forms packages on Plone 5.2 when you use Python3, but some of its fields require widgets that are by default only bundled and delivered to logged in users.
Fred van Dijk, Zest Software,
1.0 (2021-12-13)
Rebuild bundle with Plone 5.2.6: - plone.staticresources 1.4.4 - Mockup 3.2.7 [fredvd]
1.0a2 (2021-03-11)
Fix uninstall profile to remove our resource and bundle. [fredvd]
1.0a1 (2021-03-09)
Initial release. Adds inline validation and pickadage patterns in an extra bundle to anonymous visitors. This is necessary when you use easyform on public websites. The bundle also gets merged into default.js when you run in production. [fredvd]