
What does this product
This product provides tools to provide excel exports to Plone users, under xls or csv format.
A framework, with default utilities to export the dexterity contents of a folder, the results of a catalog search, and the results of a eea faceted navigation search. Many field types are managed (text, list, file, boolean, datagrid…).
Try @@collective.excelexport view on any folder containing dexterity elements. Try @@collective.excelexport? on site root.
Try @@collective.excelexportcsv view on any folder for csv export.
How to configure this product
You can set a list of fields to be excluded from export via the registry record: collective.excelexport.excluded_exportables
How to extend it
If you want to implement a new way to get content to export, you can register a #datasource#, wich is an adapter for collective.excelexport.interfaces.IDataSource interface.
This adapter can be a named one.
You will call this datasource calling the view @@collective.excelexport?excelexport.policy=datasourcename
See the IDataSource interface for more information
Exportables (excel sheet columns)
If you want to define new columns for your excel export, you will write or override:
- Exportable factories, adapters for IExportableFactory interface that provides a list of Exportables - Exportables, that define columns.
Example of an exportable factory:
from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityFTI from collective.excelexport.exportables.base import BaseExportableFactory from collective.excelexport.exportables.dexterityfields import get_ordered_fields from collective.excelexport.exportables.dexterityfields import get_exportable from collective.excelexport.exportables.dexterityfields import ParentField from collective.excelexport.exportables.dexterityfields import GrandParentField class PSTActionFieldsFactory(BaseExportableFactory): adapts(IDexterityFTI, Interface, Interface) portal_types = ('pstaction',) def get_exportables(self): portal_types = api.portal.get_tool('portal_types') action_fti = portal_types['pstaction'] oo_fti = portal_types['operationalobjective'] os_fti = portal_types['strategicobjective'] fields = [] fields.extend([get_exportable( field[1], self.context, self.request) for field in get_ordered_fields(action_fti)]) fields.extend([get_exportable( ParentField(field[1]), self.context, self.request) for field in get_ordered_fields(oo_fti)]) fields.extend([get_exportable( GrandParentField(field[1]), self.context, self.request) for field in get_ordered_fields(os_fti)]) return fields
Dexterity exportables
You have a complete set of exportables for dexterity fields. Those are multi-adapters of field, context and request.
You can override them declaring a more specific adapter.
You can also declare a named adapter with the field name if you want a specific rendering for one field.
- If you don’t feel good with default styles, you can register a specific one for: ::
the export policy
the context
the layer
You just have to register a new IStyle adapter, in a zcml:
<adapter for="zope.interface.Interface .interfaces.IThemeSpecific" factory=".excelstyles.MyNeutralStyle" provides="collective.excelexport.interfaces.IStyles" />
If you do not specify the name, the styles will be registered for all policies.
and in python:
class MyNeutralStyle(Styles): content = xlwt.easyxf('font: height 200, name Arial, colour_index black, bold off; ' 'align: wrap off, vert centre, horiz left;' 'borders: top thin, bottom thin, left thin, right thin;' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour white, fore_colour white' ) headers = xlwt.easyxf('font: height 200, name Arial, colour_index black, bold on; ' 'align: wrap off, vert centre, horiz left; ' 'borders: top thin, bottom thin, left thin, right thin; ' 'pattern: pattern solid, back_colour white, fore_colour white; ' )
To get an export via rest api, query @collective.excelexport / @collective.excelexportcsv (with one @)
Thomas Desvenain,
1.8.2 (2020-02-27)
Add Python 3 compatibility. [bsuttor]
1.8.1 (2019-11-06)
Safely decode voc_value (fix encoding issue) + test [boulch]
1.8 (2019-09-12)
CONFIGURATION_FIELDS constant has been removed, we now use a registry record: collective.excelexport.excluded_exportables
Explicit inclusion of plone.restapi zcml [thomasdesvenain]
Exclude dexterity ‘allow discussion’ and ‘exclude_from_nav’ fields (previously, only archetypes fields were excluded) [thomasdesvenain]
Fix error when referenced object value has no Title method. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: Don’t ommit fields that are in the default fieldset if there is one [petchesi-iulian]
Fix error on eea.faceted when there is a widget operator. [thomasdesvenain]
Archetypes support, Products.ATExtensions support (RecordField, RecordsField, FormattableNamesField). [thomasdesvenain]
Fix encoding issue.
1.7 (2018-06-22)
Added plone.restapi service. [thomasdesvenain]
Fixed csv export mimetype.
Added helper method get_exportable_for_fieldname. [gbastien]
1.6 (2018-01-05)
Fix: no limit for number of results in eeafaceted datasource. [cedricmessiant]
1.5 (2017-11-28)
Upgrade bootstrap. [sgeulette]
Fix: render choice field with source vocabulary [sgeulette]
1.4 (2017-05-31)
Prevent removal of exportables with similar names when ordering them [thomasdesvenain]
Refactor: view exposes method that creates data buffer from sheet data. [thomasdesvenain]
Made correct release [sgeulette]
1.3 (2016-11-28)
Fix: check if value_type is empty for collection field render. [bsuttor]
Fix: try to get the value of a method if the field is a method and translate DateTime results to a unicode, this fixes the export for objects with the IPublication Behavior. [pcdummy]
Fix: be sure to not retrieve an attribute on an object by acquisition. [vincentfretin]
Feature: render_style can now return a Style object with content and headers attribute to be able to customise the header style per exportable. [vincentfretin]
Feature: the passed obj to render_value is now exportable.field.bind(obj).context to make it easier to get data from parent or grandparent. [vincentfretin]
Feature: BaseFieldRenderer.render_header method returns now the translated field title instead of the Message object. [vincentfretin]
Fix: Ignore reverse parameter when creating export url. [cedricmessiant]
Feature: Add sort exportables feature using exportables_order list. Works with field and non-field exportables. [cedricmessiant, ebrehault, thomasdevenain]
1.2 (2014-09-10)
Feature: Added export under csv format. [thomasdesvenain]
API: Filter exportables by field name by default using excluded_exportables list. [cedricmessiant]
API: We can define a dexterity adapter for just one field using field name as adapter name. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: Faceted nav export link ignores results per page criterion. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: Translate sheet title. [thomasdesvenain]
Fix: Improve text fields support. [fngaha, thomasdesvenain]
1.1 (2014-06-19)
Rename search policy to avoid conflict with ‘search’ view. [thomasdesvenain]
1.0 (2014-06-02)
Initial release. [thomasdesvenain]